Monday, September 22, 2014

September 2014 Report

We continue to develop our Sarasota Sister Cities social networking system. We use the internet to get out the word and to try to improve communication among our members and other interested citizens.

If you are using Facebook, Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Pinterest I request that you connect with our systems and share items of mutual interest.

Our addresses below:








The first three systems primarily get the word out. We first write what is happening on the blog.  The Web site automatically picks up the latest 5 posts from the blog.

Pinterest provides a great pictoral history of the organization. Tom Halbert and Gayle Maxey have posted a great deal of information and photos on the site. If you are a Pinterest user you can connect with our site - and I will set you up so that you can share photos.

Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Google+ are all designed to get people to interact. We post a short message on each system with a link back to the blog. You have to sign up for these programs - this is free and simple.  You will want go to our pages and like or friend or link to them. Then you will see what we post and everyone will see what you post. Over time we hope to get a number of people interacting on these systems.

Shaun Greenspan has completed the first edit of our new video. We should be able to present that to the Board shortly.

In addition to our main blog of we have also set up a blog for each of our eight Sister Cities. The idea is that these blogs will focus on just the relationship of Sarasota with that Sister City.

The CD's can of course use this or not as they wish. Anything they want to add or delete from their blog I will be glad to do so. I would also be happy to assist them to learn how to make entries on the blog themselves, or I will post for them if they prefer. They can just send me an email with any corrections, deletions, or additions.

The blog address can be typed directly or can be found in the left column of the main blog. The address always starts with the name of the sister city followed by Sarasota, then  I used the short name for the Sister City - not the province, which would make for a long and hard to remember address.

Let me know of any changes that you or the CD's want.

We plan on writing the history of Sarasota Sister Cities on this blog. We are contacting people who served with Sarasota Sister Cities in the beginning of the organization and ask them to write their memories.  If you have some information about Sarasota Sister Cities please email it to and we will publish it on this blog.

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